Raypunk Realms

[Transcipt Beginning...]

Welcome Traveler.

    After telling you about steampunk realms, the next one on the list will be a bit jarring. It's way more obscure than its predecessor, when I stumbled upon it I thought there was a fluke in my ship. It turns out that after steampunks creation, the next generations created their own version called Raypunk.


(1910 - 1930)

    This is another name that has an important element right in the title. Ray punk has a concept that's called raygun gothic because those are the weapons of choice usually featured. The other parts of these types of realms are bright solid colors, most representing alien and unknown tech. Most of the pallet tries to hammer home the 'unknown' feel that it centers around, with huge orange planets and fluorescent mushrooms. 

    In this time, this aesthetic was featured in many movies because it perfectly captured the "fear of the unknown" trend. The realm in person was definitely something out of a movie. During the say the sky is blood red, only turning blue at what I came to know as their night. Their entire culture is built around their discovery of aliens, and trying to harness their tech into what we know as ray guns. If you want to explore new frontiers, this is definitely the realm to go to: It's their universal practice to seek the unknown. I wouldn't go there without a raygun of your own or a way to get one though, they can get trigger happy with newcomers. 

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Picture and information citations: https://www.atmostfear-entertainment.com/literature/books/raygun-gothic-retrofuturism-and-raypunk-in-art-deco-context/
